Thursday, September 1, 2011

Magdalene's Kitty Kause, and a very special "Thank You" video

Many of you are already aware of, and have probably given to what I'm calling Magdalene's "Kitty Kause", but for those who don't, I'm going to elaborate, as it is such an incredible effort by one very special woman.

Madalene's Kitty Kause:

Magdalene's fans adore her, and there isn't much they (myself included) wouldn't do for her. She could ask for the moon and we would do our damnedest to deliver it to her, on a giant-ass silver platter, no less...

But Magdalene doesn't want the moon on a big-ass silver platter - unlike so many other adult stars out there who have Amazon wish lists a mile long, asking for things like clothes, shoes, jewelery, electronics - well, you get the picture... Nope, you won't find a single personal luxury item request on Magdalene's list. All she wants is to make sure that the 29 cats 'n kittens who have found their way into her life and heart, have what they need in order to survive.

She has been taking care of them on her own for so long now: food, flea/tick treatments, spaying neutering (those she can catch, which have been most), vet bills and meds - all of which are very costly. And then of course there is the time it takes to care for them: feeding/cleaning up after them, making sure they are healthy, safe and loved - all of which are priceless.

So, there are no clothes or shoes on her wish list. She doesn't have jewelery or electronics on her list either. She does have cat food, and flea and tick treatments, though. And pet beds, scratching posts and cleaning supplies... Just the basic needs for the cats and kittens who have come to depend on Magdalene for their very survival.

So for those of you who are new to Magdalene's "Kitty Kause", please consider passing on your Starbucks venti White Chocolate Mocha today, and purchasing a little something on her Amazon wish list. You're kindness will not go unappreciated :-)

And for those of you who have already reached out with your hearts and pocketbooks, here is a special "Thank You" video from Magdalene herself, featuring the adorable felines you have so generously helped...

Thank you everyone! XO


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Gtetkik Vulkofree