Monday, February 14, 2011

One thing every fan should know about Magdalene

Magdalene st. Michaels is the sweetest, most down to earth, caring and honest person you could ever meet.

She receives literally hundreds of emails and messages each week from her personal web site,, her FaceBook, Twitter, and MySpace accounts, as well as from the Girlfriends Films forum and the Sweetheart Video forum. This doesn't count her regular emails for her every day life... This being said, you can imagine how overwhelming it is for one person to read each one - which she DOES - and how unbelievably daunting it is to try and answer each one.

Magdalene writes:

I want to apologize in advance to anyone who might write to me and doesn't hear back from me as promptly as they might like. I also humbly apologize to those of you who have written to me in the past and have not heard back. I'm not perfect and if I could just pick up the phone, instead of writing to people, I would. I'm more of a talker than a writer. I do read all of my mail, but there is so much of it that it overwhelms me and I don't even know how to begin answering it all, so I just do what I can. Besides my regular e-mail, G-mail from my site, FaceBook, MySpace and Twitter accounts, and phone calls to return, there is this thing called life. There are only so many hours in a day and I wish there were more. Please forgive me.
Love, Magdalene

Now a word from this silly author:

Magdalene, I know you love your fans and that you love getting our emails and messages... And without expecting anything in return, if I can at least brighten your day with a few well wishes, then that's good enough for me... Love you!



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