Tuesday, August 16, 2011

The Listening Tour

From the liar who never listens.
President Obama, on the road and seemingly excited to be there, unleashed an assault on Congress and his Republican rivals, accusing them of making the economy worse and threatening their political futures.
2010 is such a distant memory for the President who was sent one hell of a message from the people when they threw more of his party out than in the last 60 years...

Now its the media he whines about.

JWF nails it with one paragraph.
Actually, those of us with "little blogs" read more news sources than those living in their little echo chamber reading The New York Times. Some of us may watch Fox News, but that's just one of dozens of sites and columns we may read on any given day.
The American people are much more informed than at any time history. Trust me, that scares the hell out of Barry.


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Gtetkik Vulkofree