Friday, July 29, 2011

Top 10 Film Box Office 2011

1. The Green Hornet (January 2011): Film about the doings of this crime buster champ starring Seth Rogen, Cameron Diaz, and Jay Chou Taiwanese artist. The film is lifted from the radio series by George W. Trendle same title and will release mid-January, directed by Michael Gondry.

2. Fast and Furious V (April 2011): You must still remember? The film is starring Vin Diesel and Paul Walker will be back in action in speeding cars and dangerous scenes. Fast and Furious V directed by Justin Lin and the screenplay was written by Chris Morgan.

3. Kung Fu Panda II (May 2011): The sequel to Kung Fu Panda will surely keep the audience interested. The stars of Hollywood's top acting, among others, Jack Black, Gary Oldman, Michelle Yeoh, James Woods, Jean-Claude Van Damme, and Victor Garber.

4. Pirates of the Caribbean: On the Strangers Tide (May 2011): This time you will meet with figures Captain Jack Sparrow (Johnny Deep) who adventure together Angelica (Penelope Cruzz) to find the springs of life which is said to make people stay young all time. The story more exciting when he knew that Angelica was the daughter of a pirate Blackbeard (Ian McShane), the great enemy of Jack Sparrow.

5. X-Men: First Class (June 2011): Again you will meet with the Wolverine character (played by Hugh Jackman). What's the story, please wait and watch his own movie. It must be exciting.

6. Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, Part 2 (July 2011): That said, this movie is eagerly awaited Harry Potter fans as the ultimate edition of Harry Potter film series ever. The film is still played by Daniel Radcliffe, Emma Watson, Rupert Grint.

7. Transformers 3: Dark Of The Moon (July 2011): Two previous series of the Transformers movie and managed to reap a big success in this third episode of Megan Fox fans should be prepared to be disappointed because the sexy actress who previously played in two episodes as Mikaela Banes, the lover the main character, Sam Witwicky, is not involved in Transformer 3. But by no means Megan Fox's film is so bland, no! Please wait and see on the game itself.

8. Captain America: The First Avenger (August 2011): Chris Evans fire cast man in the movie 'Fantastic Four' will act as Steve Rogers aka Captain America. The story with the settings of the 1940s, it will present a lunge human superhero.

9. Spy Kids 4: All The Time In The World (August 2011): The film stars Jessica Alba, Joel McHale, Rowan Blanchard, Mason Cook. Directed by Robert Rodriguez put Jeremy Piven who plays the antagonist. In addition to the stars, there are Alexa Vega and Daryl Sabara.

10. Mission Impossible 4: Ghost Protocol (December 2011): At the end of 2011, the handsome actor Tom Cruise will star again colossal Mission Impossible IV movie titled 'Ghost Protocol'. Prime Impressions plans held by Paramount Pictures, December 6, 2011. The film is very interesting, because the pictures taken in Dubai, Prague, and Canada. Besides Tom Cruise, also featured actor Jeremy Renner and actress Paula Patton.


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